You always want to spend less. To have more money. Applying for a CC you want a lower APR. APRs at 25% are too high. We want to manage our credit. Additionally, we want to manage with low APRs.
I have done a lot of work on my credit. My focus has primarily been on raising my credit score. I understand just how volatile cc rates can be. And to expect a ‘change of plans’ be sure to plan, forecast the plan. Credit activity however did not assume the bulk of my finances (duhderp) I’ve done a lot of work just on my credit. – Just tried to make a point.
I’ve reached my target score. Opening more loan options for me. My score goes up and down and this has become normal. How my credit score behaves no longer consumes too much of my attention and focus. My credit continues to increase. A little less stress. I’ve turned my effort to new areas. – deviating from my point
A while has passed, I think of buying a new laptop (—). At this point my inbox is flowing over with offers for new cards, and new rates. I’m thinking I may finance my purchase on credit. (Ray Dalio – How the economic machine works)*
Though, paying off the card. I have had this card since 2019. It’s not been paid off since. Many times I’ve come back to living off credit – Does it matter I’ve not re-zeroed my balance? Had first card this card since 2018, no completely accurate. Point I must make I’ve haven’t missed a payment – very important. After re-inspired talks of Ramsey’s Makeover I’ve re-shifted focus back to re-zeroing this card.
// clever ideas are easy. It’s not hard to whack your credit way up or way down — Pay it off. Purchase monthly subscriptions/ expenses and get back 1%. SPECULATIVE —then pay it off before next billing. A coupon to yourself .. What if this is Platinum Titanium Gold Or, Whatever – Need to kno .. My goal is to pay off CC. No more debts No More Debts. // Your not really saving until you’re debt free
So, After looking into new cards – for the best deal on my next big purchase – Even with a better credit score – 12% was the lowest APR – an exclusive deal – more to say on that–The reason APRs aren’t much lower that 12% has to do with values and returns. If I were to buy an item -on loan, in other words borrowed- If I sold the assets value, or loaned that itself – I might be able to average a stock market level return – at around 10% — more or less. – There’s problem with this. It’s Inflationary. And, more importantly this singular advantage wouldn’t deter loan offers, in addition to upsetting the (fair )market.