Financial book reviews for beginners: Think and Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill


            This book is a classic and unconventional read. Readers may recognize hints of Dale Carnegie’s all time classic “How to win friends and influence people”. Hill is very open and proud of his friendship with the Steel magnate, Andrew Carnegie.

            In many respects it is a historic writing, citing the achievements and idiosyncrasies of well-known persons such as Thomas Edison and his inventions, Abraham Lincoln and his leadership, Andrew Carnegie and his innovation. Hill is a distinct writer and this book has its own lessons.

In all, Hill is a power writer and encourages his readers with challenging their standing thoughts. This book makes clear a position that deliberate action and organized effort is all you need to get started for the things you truly desire in life.

I found this book helpful. There are many opportunities here to learn. Hill aims to get you out of your head and into action. Our plans are more than just potential. They are waiting to be unleashed.

The accumulation of wealth is the organizing of self. ‘Think and grow rich’ provides numerous formulas for success. The author gives you step-by-step methods to know and to deal with everything from passions, adversities, dealing with others, to facing your worst enemy. While it is enlightening, ultimately Hill leaves it to you.

The book includes many more topics, Taking inventory of yourself, specialized knowledge, attributes of leadership, Thoughts, Logic, Emotions. Hill is an expert. He takes aim to keep the company of experts. In this book, he offers his expertise. I recommend this book for anyone with a new goal to challenge themselves in a new way.

Unlike the other two books I reviewed, The Little Book That Beat The Market and The Total Money Makeover, Hill’s approach to attaining wealth can not be found in magic formulas and budgeting techniques. Instead, the monetary success of an individual is boiled down to firstly the person’s mindset and, secondly, their responses after that. Napolean Hill spent a couple of decades interviewing some of the world’s wealthiest and most successful men to find a common denominator or pattern that could be followed for the same results. The primary strategy is to conquer your mind or, more specifically, your thoughts. This will allow you to make clear goals and objectives and have clarity in their steps instead of too generalized goals with no clear path to attain them.

Focus on what you want and envision yourself having already accomplished your goal and how it will feel. Emotions are important because they are great motivators; no number of equations can compute the potential power of realizing your dream. Remind yourself how it feels when you are done, what you would do after, and immortalize this moment. Positive affirmations and repeating them aloud or written down twice a day. This visualization area is imperative because we think and imagine before we do and have. Having a burning desire or hyper-focus on your goal will benefit you unless you get rid of distractions, no retreat plans, or fears of illness, death, or loss of a companion. Leave all excuses at the doorway, and naturally, your subconscious mind will aid your conscious mind, producing the appropriate actions, not general motions, bridging your dreams and reality more quickly. But success is rarely achieved overnight; every person must have great persistence in chasing their goals.  Without this, you will never reach any worthwhile level of achievement.    Always think; first thoughts and then appropriate actions, clear goals, no distractions, and repeat until you succeed. Be productive; if there aren’t any opportunities, make one! If your plan doesn’t wholly accomplish precisely what you desired… adjust your plans. 

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