Hundreds of thousands of Americans are losing out on money each year! There’s a gold mine that is not being overused. Today, you ought to check your banknotes. Because the number one free cash shortage is happening in your savings account. If you’re good enough to put your money away for a cold winter, in a highly liquid table account, (for ready use in case of emergency) go the extra mile to make sure you’re getting a good rate. Some banks or credit unions you put your money in at a rate of.1% this is ridiculous because there are financial services that will offer you much more. Maybe you’ve had your bank slash credit union for a long time period you trust them and know them. Perhaps, it would be a good idea to invest in CD accounts, but $1000 at .1% is $1 whereas at .25% is 2.5 dollars that’s more money! It’s OK to open up a second credit union account at your local credit union and receive a higher rate you’ve earned it! Just like you want to have multiple streams of income, or how your credit card comes from a different service than your bank with, you can have separate accounts, for specific purposes. It’s important to maximize gains especially when money is a restrictive resource for you that means you have to be good with money when you don’t have much of it you gotta be better with money when you don’t have much of it.
Bank Savings Rates