Unveiling the Art of Day Trading: Navigating the Volatile Markets

Photo credit: Sankai via iStock

In the dynamic world of financial markets, day trading stands out as a distinctive and fast-paced strategy. Day traders engage in the buying and selling of financial instruments within the same trading day, seeking to capitalize on short-term price movements. This blog explores the key characteristics and aspects of day trading, shedding light on the… Continue reading Unveiling the Art of Day Trading: Navigating the Volatile Markets

Demystifying Investment: Understanding the Prospectus

Investing in securities is a complex but potentially rewarding venture. As with any financial decision, it’s crucial for investors to have access to comprehensive information before making choices that could impact their financial future. One key document that serves as a vital source of information for potential investors is the prospectus. What is a Prospectus?… Continue reading Demystifying Investment: Understanding the Prospectus


If you’re in business; an accountant, an investor, or an entrepreneur then you might be interested in the concept of expenditures and how they take shape in your financial model. First off, you’re spending is someone’s income. There’s formal ways to consider a cost in such a way that you may benefit from them in… Continue reading Expenditures

Categorized as Savings

Bank Savings Rates

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are losing out on money each year! There’s a gold mine that is not being overused. Today, you ought to check your banknotes. Because the number one free cash shortage is happening in your savings account. If you’re good enough to put your money away for a cold winter, in… Continue reading Bank Savings Rates

Categorized as Savings


There are things we pay for and such things like cable, Internet, heat are dependent on us paying for them. Not everything in life is free, these recurring charges we can be expected to pay for. Expenses are inevitable necessities. The objective is not to have too many expenses. As this will mitigate gains. Our… Continue reading Expenses

Categorized as Savings

Tracking Spending

The great thing about today is there is an app for everything. It’s interesting and you may learn a little about yourself by looking over past statements. Just in case you have a habit that has gone unnoticed. Your goals are much better aligned with your coming results when you are providing a clear picture… Continue reading Tracking Spending

Categorized as Savings


Intro. There’s things we want slash need to buy every month. I Wi-Fi, groceries. These are things I have to pay for and things I don’t. I need to know this so i can designate some money to savings. Thereby, paying my future self. I can better weigh risk by putting into stocks , markets.… Continue reading Allocation

Categorized as Savings


Have you gone to the bank lately? If you’ve made a deposit you may have noticed that the bank insures up to $250K. You might have given some thought to it, on how banks make money that is, and the reliability of banks returning your deposit. If you recall the crisis with Silicon Valley Bank… Continue reading On FDIC


The stock market is a lucrative way for companies to raise capital. Big companies can sell shares of their stock to the public, on the stock market. In which case, any person who owns a share or shares are they company is a shareholder. Control of the company may still be delegated unto a very… Continue reading SEC