
Pie Chart, pumpkin pie

Intro. There’s things we want slash need to buy every month. I Wi-Fi, groceries. These are things I have to pay for and things I don’t. I need to know this so i can designate some money to savings. Thereby, paying my future self. I can better weigh risk by putting into stocks , markets. Increase value comma pay yourself as much as possible. 80/20 rule.

Allocate -set apart for a particular purpose; a lot; assign. You want to deliberate. Wealth does not happen on accident. Don’t put too little amount away whereas insignificant on maturity, not too much away that can’t afford bills slash expenses. This is unfeasible. Do not put such an amount away that you are unproductive or non-competitive. Put away at least 10% something is more than nothing. Top 10% earners put away 80%.

Set up bank account direct deposit. 80% goes to whatever your decided spending amount is per month, you want this to be going to your bank account where the rest of it goes to your main bank or credit union (savings) do not touch bank card. Allocate money for spending and saving. On return, IRA, stock, bonds increase your value.

We want to increase our wealth. Better our lifestyle. Money is a resource. Use resources accordingly, plan money if you’re serious. See professional. Allocating money is good for overall financial health, stability, status. Someday your skills will be obsolete and or the job market will to learn a new skill for job training this is something we want to invest in. To be competitive. We want to account for unexpected costs. Won’t allocate our hard earned money to our growth. A family member could get sick. Innovations and technology can make it that we might have to learn new skills and turns in the market can replace the professions and an industry. Set yourself up for success.

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